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Bluecloud Core is a private PHP package hosted on It can be installed using composer.

Add package

To install the package add the private john-it-com packagist repository to the composer.json of your project:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": "",
            "canonical": false

Also the authentication data for the private packagist repository must be added to your composer configuration at ~/.config/composer/auth.json:

    "http-basic": {
        "": {
            "username": "johnit",
            "password": "SEE PASSWORD MANAGER"

Next you can install the package using the following command:

composer require john-it-com/bc-core

Publish files

This package includes several configuration files which need to be published:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JohnIt\Bc\Core\PackageServiceProvider"

The package includes some Javascript and CSS assets which need to be published to the public-folder of your main application. To publish those assets execute the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force

These assets should also be commited.

To keep the assets up-to-date and avoid issues in future updates, you may add the vendor:publish --tag=public --force command to the post-update-cmd scripts in your application’s composer.json file. This will autopmatically execute artisan vendor:publish command on composer updates:

    "scripts": {
        "post-update-cmd": [
             "@php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force"


This package registers several database migrations to your application which must be applied:

php artisan migrate


We use the package imTigger/laravel-job-status for job status tracking in the backend and Pusher for real time job status tracking in the frontend.

To use real time job status tracking create a Pusher channel for your application and add the following entries to your .env file:
